Saturday, July 31, 2010

Whether the Weather is Cold...

Everyone -

You guys are amazing. I've had some of the best three weeks I've had in a long time. I've grown as a person and an actress. I've made bonds. I've made friends. I've added to a family that keeps growing and I hope to keep in touch with everyone after this. At first, upon entering this, I was... well, terrified. I knew no one. I'm not one of those people that jumps into things. You've changed that.

Ian - you're amazing. I think I've said this more than once.

Friday Cast - what a show. What a show. What a production. I think you all have made this go down in history as one of the favorite productions I've been in, headcold or no headcold. (You've beat out Theatre in the Park and Doubt, by the way. Just so you know.)

Saturday Cast - beautiful performance. Remarkable. Truly outstanding. I didn't feel like I had seen it a hundred times once and again. It was fresh, and it was alive.

I apologize for not being there for strike - I slept on the way home so I have a bit before I really drop.

So, for the final time,
"Whether the weather is cold, or whether the weather is hot, we'll be together whatever the weather, whether we like it or not!"

With All Due Love and Admiration,

~Austin Dennis, signing out~

Ok, NOW is the time to get sad.

Wow. Just wow. These three weeks have been amazing. I can't even start to go into detail with all of the amazing experiences that I have had.

I really want to thank the cast first. You really made me feel accepted, especially towards the end. I managed to have a great group of friends, a girlfriend, and a mentor by the end. Everyone was just such a pleasure to be around. I have never been in a place with so much constant energy. It was really such an awesome time, too much for words.

I also would like to thank Ian. Without you none of this would have been possible, and a meaningful (yet short) chapter in my life would be left unwritten. You really taught me so many things that I wouldn't have learned otherwise, and grew my passion for theatre. I can't thank you enough.

Well, it is a pain to see everyone go without some sort of huge sendoff to finalize it. Then again, I doubt I would feel better or feel more closure with a huge party to end it with (P.S, we forgot to rave!) I have had an amazing time with everyone in the cast. Hopefully, I have four more happy years at STC.

All good things must end, less they become bad things.

So, until next year,

Jake "Longaville" McHugh

Friday, July 30, 2010

Love's Labors Were Not Lost

Beautiful show, Friday Cast. :) I can't wait to see Saturday Cast be just as beautiful! Love you all!

--Dylan Goodman

a note i'd just like to say!

dear STC Love's Labour's Lost 2010 Friday Cast!,
YOU GUYS WERE DA BOMBA.COM!!!!!I loved every minute of the play tonight. Kristen, thank you sooo much for dolling me up with my tacky cat-eyes and body glitter! XD Chloe, great job on De Armado!Sari-Rose, oh, Sari, good God!

Everyone did suuuuuccchhh a good job tonight!

I can't believe some of the amazing characters I saw come alive on that stage. Moth, oh my goodness! DIGGIN THE FOOTIE PAJAMAS!

Dull, my parents cracked up at your coloring.

cant wait to see you guys next year and do it all again.


ps. Saturday Cast, I will see thee tomorrow morn!XD

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"How much chalk is on this floor?!"

I have no idea what to say. Other than WOW. You guys. First, amazing runs today. AMAZING. Even with the occasional line flub and DERBY. We've really got some shows now. It's come together so fast, and just...well, dammmmmn!

I would like to say to Ian that we promise to behave as well as we can, but that probably won't stop the sun god ceremonies or contacting our Native American ancestors to go visit the first KFC. I mean, c'mon, it's KFC.

I'm probably going to cry at some point tomorrow. Just so you know.

Peace and Gentle Visitations

~Austin Dennis~


It is about to be ten and I want to make sure to get plenty of sleep. So I will try to make this short:

Today was all that I could have hoped for in terms of a dress rehearsal. Everyone has made SO much progress, and the show looks fantastic. I was especially nervous because my mom saw our dress rehearsal, but as always she loved it! She thought Chloe was hilarious and Sari-Rose fantastic ( see, she didn't even the notice the mistakes ;D). Additionally, she thought it to be very funny and she definitely understood the overall plot--which is big since my mom was scarred by the stuffy Shakespeare interpretations of her school years.

I don't want to jinx it, but I think we put on great shows. We are in a much more solid place than I thought, and it can only get better from here! Get sleep, memorize lines, and let's have fun tomorrow! (and be good representatives of Burning Coal) :)

So. Much. Gel.

My hair could be folded into origami.
I love costumes. A lot. I love my costume because it makes it so easy to be Armado. It's nice to see the show come together, and I loved performing today. I'm really starting to feel the groove. I can't wait for tomorrow night.
Wishing You Were Here,

Guy's, have fun getting twisted.

Wow, today went by quickly. I really enjoyed watching the other cast. While there were a few slip ups by the larger roles, the people with smaller roles were nearly perfect. There were some parts in the play that were hysterical, and some that were heartbreaking. I feel that now, even with it's flaws, the play has substance.

Now, I can only speak for myself, but I feel that the Friday run through went EXTREMELY well. I thought that it went nearly perfectly, even with the "I am amazed and know not what to say." The last scene needs a lot of polishing though, and hopefully everyone who needs to will be studying tonight. But I am really proud to say that I am a part of this play.

I can't wait for tomorrow. It's a weird feeling, with it being the last day and all. I am proud to have been a part of this play, and it's nice to know it's nearly finished, which means we have done our job. But I don't want it to end! The friends I have made here will never be forgotten!
But this is no time for tears! (as Dylan said). We still have the most important part of our job to do! And remember, we still have one day left and the dinner at The Pit for a lot of people. Speaking of, thanks Andy for setting that up, it should be really fun.

Run throughs

I can't believe tomorrow is the last day. jhfdjdjfhgf. I'm just so sad this is ending, but I'm excited for opening. Ahh. Mixed feelings. It was nice to run through the whole thing in costume and with props. It felt like the real thing, but with a lot less pressure. And again, it was nice to see the other cast run through and see it veey closely to how it will be performed tomorrow night. It is so funny, I can't believe it!


I had soo much fun yesterday, it was amazing!
I think my favorite part was feeling so confused when taylor and george were arguing in the robot game. I was like AHH what do i do!?!?!? and the mooing. Taylor that was hilarious thanks for making me laugh at myself!

I can't believe that today and tomorrow are the last two days of camp. I feel like there still needs to be like 3 more weeks of the camp. we all need to keep in touch, via facebook or text, and make sure we go to any show that any of us are in next year!

Thanks for making these last 3 weeks a blast and i'm not acting when i say that i will miss you dearly.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today was interesting. We didn't do the shouting or leading exercise last year. As always the communication game was entertaining. Yes...I decided to be as nonhelpful as possible. It's more fun that way! Ian and I tagteamed. It was pro. As for the fixing stuff...I really hope i got it stuck in my brain. I'm excited for tomorrow...hopefully twill not be poop. I'm so so very tired...Bedtime.

"Why Didn't You Tell Me He Moved?" "You Didn't Ask!"


Just, wow.

You guys, I love you. All of you. (Especially you, George.)

I think the game this morning was hysterical. It really made me remember why I love those kind of games. I hope we find time to do that again. I really want to participate. Also, George - you and Taylor were AWESOME. Your fighting like an old married couple just made my day.

Suspenders are my friends. That, and I'm excited for the dress run tomorrow. I didn't actually do anything today, fixing wise. Both a good thing, and a boring one. XD

I Am Secretly A Hogwarts Graduate

~Austin Dennis~

i'm sick. :(

I got home from conservatory and slept untill just now!

But, I hope I will be up and running by tomorrow!!! XD I can't wait to do a dress rehearsal tomorrow with my sexy Jaquennetta outfit of sexiness!


All of yall looked LUFF-LEH today. Can't wait to see how we throw this all together.

also: shoutout to Sir Nathaniel! GO HOGWARTS!!!!!



You guys. STC is almost over. OVER. When did this happen?!
Anyways, I'd like to thank Ian for taking time and helping me go through my script today. I hope I won't let him down tomorrow. Tomorrow...oh dear.

Working on the voice today was wonderful. Standing outside, shouting across the street was fantastic. The fact that my sinuses are TERRIBLE right now, is not cool.

Everyone worked really hard today, and I must give them a hand. Good job! This show is going to be amazing and we're going to kick butt!


Is tomorrow really thursday? Sad day.

Today was pretty great- I really liked the leading/following by noises in the morning and being the brain to Joey's body and Lindsey's eyes. And shouting lines across the street actually helped me understand some of my mini-speeches better.

If I could only be less sleepy, I would feel ready for opening night...

Until tomorrow,


I just can't believe it's already Wednesday, of the last week. Time really did fly. It has been fun and I am sad that it's almost over.
But tosay was fun! I really enjoyed the eyes/brain/mover communication game. That was fun to watch. I was hoping to be in it, but hey watching was just too much dang fun!
Well, I'm going to go go over all my lines and cues. I'm hoping to get them down pat!
See you all tomorrow!


From yesterday's run with the Friday cast. Please comment to verify you've received.

p.1 ALL – Make sure there is a pen preset at lectern and all the guys have pens or pencils
p.3 BIRON – Make “here comes in embassy the French king’s daughter” very clear, major plot point.
p.4. ALL – You’re not disgusted after handshake sequence, just perplexed at how weird it was.
p.4 FERDINAND – Your laughter is making it hard to understand your “This child of fancy, this Armado hight” speech. Text first always. Also, really point out Armado on balcony when introducing
p.7 FERDINAND – “see him deliver’d o’er”, o’er is just one syllable, not two.
p.7 ARMADO – Clarify that “a man or great spirit” is You.
p.8 MOTH & COSTARD – How do you react to the Armado/Janquenetta dialog?
p.9 ARMADO – Hit “thou shalt fast”, it’s a plot point.
p.9 ARMADO – Consider using your, um, loins slightly less. Some is good, but it’s a family show.
p.10 ALL – Try gossiping with each other on your way to your seats on this entrance
p.12 BIRON & ROSALINE – Great flirting
p.16 MOTH – Slow down a bit and really hit ”lead” whenever you say it.
p.17 COSTARD – Show off your coin on your Remuneration monologue
p.22 JANQUENETTA – Hit all the names in your “Good master Parson” speech. Also: Volume!
p.23 NATHANIEL – Come back in reading the letter on “with such an earthly tongue.”
p.31 ALL – I’m losing volume and meaning in the last lines in this scene, slow down and clarify.
p.31 NATHANIEL & HOLOFERNES – Clean up the classroom when you come in for this scene.
p.33 ARMADO & HOLOFERNES – Really hit “present” whenever you say it in this scene
p.33 DULL & HOLOFERNES – Exit down left, not up left
p.34 ALL – Lost your wonderful vocal energy in this scene. Really dovetail and build!
p.35 KATHARINE & MARIA – Stay seated on your lines at the top of this page.
p.35 BOYET – Act out “to parle, to court and dance,” make fun of these showy, foolish men.
p.36 PRINCESS – Really hit your pronouns in your favor changing speech
p.42 FERDINAND – Counter to join men at benches on “How madam! Russians!”
p.43 PRINCESS – “They are free that gave these tokens to us.” Tokens=bracelet
p.46 ARMADO – Make sure you have your “program” to give to Ferdinand
p.46 COSTARD – Make sure you have your wooden sword for Pompey
p.47 COSTARD – Take Nathaniel’s stick when you overthrow him as Alexander
p.48 DUMAIN – Need much greater vocal energy in the fight interjections
p.49 COSTARD – Don’t cross left until “The party is gone”
p.53 BIRON – Not hearing “jest” in “I’ll jest a month in a hospital”
p.53 FERDINAND – Really see Princess shake her head after “We will ring you on your way.” That’s what stops you and sends you down right with the other guys

Every now and then I fall apart!

And I need you now tonight! I told my dad about starting the "Total Eclipse of the Heart" singalong. He's never been prouder. I'm so glad so many people also knew the song.
This morning was so much fun. Between the vocal exercises to the huge excitement of the communication game, I almost had a heart attack.
It's also really nice to see the show coming together. It's getting legitimately funny, and the costumes have me totally pumped. I had no idea I'd love wearing my costume as much as I do. I'm so eager for the next couple days to put everything together. And of course the rave, eventually. I think some Bonnie Tyler music may have to make a guest appearance.
Shout out to Taylor Renn. She and I are the cats (named Panties and Mittenboots) of proud owner, Evan.
Most Sincerely,

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

First off, I wanted to say sorry for yesterday's blog. Nothing was wrong with the camp, I'd just gotten some bad news from Charlotte, so I was really mad.
Well, today was awesome! I had an amazing time playing the eyes/body/brain game! Everyone has really bonded, so I feel like everyone is family (and families touch eachother.) The second half of the day should have felt slow, but it wasn't that bad.

Only 2 more days. :(


"Do what you say-ay"

Things I should be doing right now: working on earth science assignments, helping set the table, not getting sentimental, tidying up my desk...Well, all I can think about is this play. Never have I been so consumed by wanting to be sure of my lines or trying to remember blocking or notes! "And I forsooth in love!" Yes, I am in love with Love's Labor's Lost. It really has swept me off my feet, quite literally. And I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday! Where did the time go?! It has all felt like a fever dream!

However, now is not the time for moping or tears! We have a show people!! It is time to get light cues down, take our notes to heart, and make the most of these last two days. Italian run Friday, and my mom is coming to see our dress rehearsal tomorrow! XD


---Sincerely, Dylan Goodman

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the third tuesdayyy. (notice the alliteration :) )

so. today was very interesting. it was the first time i had done the caveman game and i absolutely LOVED it. looking back at it, it was such a surreal, remarkable, freeing, bonding, experience. i didn't want it to ever end. i can't even explain what all i feel about it, but it was such a cool thing to be outside of my body and my brain. ah. it was just amazing.
it was also awesome to see the friday cast do a run-through. this was the first time i realized how ridiculously funny this show is gonna be. i found myself cracking up. more times than once. that i was not expecting.
oh and the ladder of death was a fun, new experience :)
until tomorrow,
Jessica Siefkes
p.s. fizzle skittles are yummy. :)

Day 12


- Caveman game


-booty slapping

What a great day! Keep up the good work everyone!

I found some pants in my mom's closet! They're burgundy with a black paisley print. Would those work? Also, can Costard wear crocs? I scanned for black shoes in my father's closet, but he had none. I wear a women's size 6 or 7. That's probably a 4 or 5 in men's sizes. XD


Ugh! (*pours water*)

Oh, the caveman game. So intense. So cathartic. I felt very connected to my woman's intuition and instinctual nature. I was also clearly very connected to George. I think perhaps because I've had lots of pent up emotions lately, and since we were together from the beginning I just put all my trust in him and projected all of my needs and hopes in the game onto him. That's why it was so hard when he died. I don't think either of us could have led effectively without the other. We must have been allied bunnies or something in a past life. I also feel more connected to the ensemble as a whole. It's just so nice to get a chance to live fully in my body and off of impulse, which is what I like to do in regular life, anyway.
As for the run through, I felt more confident this time. I still sometimes get distracted and not fully in the moment, but I'm working on it! It's also a lot of fun to make use of the riding crop. (Shout out to Blake for bringing it in.)
Thinking of you,


Today was just SO much fun! I absolutely love the Cavman Game. Everything got so intense and emotional and real! As Sari-Rose put it, "it is the given reality in set of imaginary circumstances at its best." I mean wow. I felt so beautifully human. When I commenced the ritual of hitting the floor for mourning, it turned into a heartbeat. Everyone was connected and committed. And when someone died, their death was felt! Chloe just about summed it up: cathartic. As Ian was telling us to go back in time, it was almost an out-of-body experience. I felt the weight of my life as "Dylan" lifting, and suddenly I was this animal in a jungle. And it felt raw and emotional and alive. Everything from adopting Courtney as my baby sister to trying to bury George felt to starting a dance of joy in praise of the sun returning felt so real. It makes me think that that is the way acting should be (minus all the screaming and sacrificial murder but..). ;D Last year when we played I was pretty much the crazy outcast who did his own thing, and it probably had to do with my lack of maturity as an actor. But this time, when I really was reacting, I was able to enjoy the game to its fullest.

ANYWAY, I think the run through went rather well. And though I admitted my tendency to whore myself for laughs, I felt my performance today was coming from a good place. All my lines came to me eventually, and I don't believe I called for line once! :) Now I just need to get my cues solid and maybe run the sonnet scene with the other guys a couple times: I know we skipped something! I love you all! Till' tomorrow.

--Dylan Goodman


Today was very fun. It was nice sitting outside for a change, but I can only thank the weather for that one. It's normally too hot to even open the door. I am nervous for the run through tomorrow. We are so close to opening that I can't really be forgetting cues, but I make no promises. As Ian said, the different atmosphere on stage causes me to forget lines/cues. I must get to working on that tonight to the point where I can't get it wrong.
Caveman game; always fun. People always get so vicious. I kinda love it. I would never be in the middle of it, but it is definitely fun to watch. I did find the group "rituals" somewhat amazing. No words were shared, yet we all had a common goal. It was an incredible feeling.
I liked watching the other cast run through. I like seeing the other Boyet perform so I can see what works on stage. It's nice to have that. And this really is a funny play. You dont' really notice it when you are up on stage.
But I am so sad that I missed the butt slap. Other than that, today was a good day.

Butt Slapping...

1. George: GRRR! (however, I saw it was a crowd pleaser and may allow you to keep it if Ian doesn't think it's too much...perhaps!!)
2. Caveman Game: umm...WOW amazing as usual.
3. Swab your poopdeck...yes, Andy this is directed towards you.
4. Joey: we WILL create the secret handshake!
5. Great job Friday cast with the run today!!

SOOO sad it's the last week!!
Love you all!!
Lindsey <33


Below are the notes from yesterday's run of the show with the Satuday cast. Please make a comment once you've read it to affirm that you got your notes.

General: When you have trouble with remembering a line, it’s usually because you’re unsure of the MEANING of the line. Talk to me if you have any line questions (I welcome it, I promise, it’ my hobby!) and we can sort out the meaning and make it easier to remember.

p.1 ALL – in preshow keep faces up and eyes focused on target.
p.1 ALL – sharpen character walks, make them bigger than you think they should be
p.2 ALL MEN – really hit any words in this first scene that have to do with study, thought or the mind
p.2 BIRON & FERDINAND – Slow down 10% in this scene. This should be the slowest/clearest scene
p.2 LONGAVILLE – Keep focus up, you’re tending to look at the floor
p.2 BIRON – Use your “As thus” and “As” to set up transitions, really hit these.
p.4. ALL – You’re not disgusted after handshake sequence, just perplexed at how weird it was.
p.5 COSTARD – Tie ideas together in “manner and form following” speech
p.6 ARMADO – I lied to you. Give a tiny pause for Costard’s “me?” interjections
p.7 COSTARD – Don’t obscure the “Pray a month with mutton and porridge”
p.7 BIRON – Use “I’ll lay my head” speech to get offstage, so hitting door by “Sirrah, come on”
p.8 MOTH – Greater volume at top and through “and yeta better love than my master”
p.10 BOYET – Wait until the en of the Princess’ speech t exit
p.10 PRINCESS – “Who are the votaries…” is a new and different idea from what you’ve been discussing.
p.10 ALL – Look at the guy being talked about, no one should look anywhere else in this scene.
p.11 ROSALINE – Greater volume throughout
p.11 FERDINAND – Start line as soon as you enter, don’t wait for fanfare to finish.
p.12 BIRON & ROSALINE – Flirt during chair sequence, don’t attack.
p.13 FERDINAND & PRINCESS – More civil in the Aquitaine discussion, less attacking
p.14 LONGAVILLE – Don’t drop the final words of your lines, instead build to the last word.
p.15 ALL – Unsure what you’re saying here. Ladies have fun teasing Boyet (not attacking) and Boyet teasing back.
p.17 ARMADO – Go onto platform on “A most acute juvenal” and move lectern back.
p.18 BIRON – Hit “the princess comes to hunt here in the park,” otherwise Deer Lake makes no sense
p.20 BOYET – Read “Don Adriano de Armado” in the letter along with Armado
p.21 NATHANIEL – Draw attention with volume at top of scene
p.21 ALL – Losing a lot of line endings in this scene. Build to final words.
p.22 HOLOFERNES – Really emphasize all your weird words. Enjoy them
p.22 HOLOFERNES – Buid through your “extravagant spirit” list
p.23 HOLOFERNES – You’r “I will overglance” speech is a major plot point, really lay it out
p.27 ALL - Respond as each new person pops out from their hiding place. Should get bigger response with each reveal.
p.27 ALL - Less ANGRY. Tease and torment the other guys, don’t actually attack them in this scene. Also, have fun (especially Biron) playing your false innocence. “Oh, I’d NEVER fall in love!”
p.30 ALL – The “rap battle” should be teasing, not attacking; fun not mad.
p.30 BIRON – Follow the punctuation in your long speech to help us follow the ideas.
p.31 ALL – I’m loosing volume and meaning in the last lines in this scene, slow down and clarify.
p.31 NATHANIEL – Build with each repetition in your ladder speech “I praise God for you”
p.31 NATHANIEL – Really give a pause after “without heresy.” before your next idea “I did converse…”
p.32 HOLOFERNES – Both speeches at the top of this page are lists, so build through tem.
p.32 HOLOFERNES – What are you saying in your “The posterior of the day” speech?
p.33 ARMADO – Cut hug/lift
p.35 BOYET – Really hit ideas “disguised” and “Russians” whenever said.
p.36 BOYET – Don’t wait for the fanfare to finish for your “The trumpet sounds” line, just dive in.
p.40 ALL – Unmask as guys leave on “Are these the breed of wits”
p.41 ALL – Start moving off on Boyet’s “Ladies withdraw”
p.42 ROSALINE – Build in energy and teasing through this scene with Biron, never let energy diminish
p.47 NATHANIEL - Great Alexander!
p.51 PRINCESS – Help Ferdinand to his feat on “my lord”
p.52 FERDINAND – Counter backwards, stage right, on “If this, or more than this”

Where Did The Paint Come From?

I was going to come and be all EXCITE. Then I had to wait for sadness attack to be over with. Which y'all helped with. (Well... Patrick anyway since he's like the only one on right now. :D)

The Caveman game? I was terrified. I really was. But that is the most fun I've had doing an acting game in years. It was intense, beautiful and hysterical. We need to have a cast party post play and play that game. Seriously.

Also, the run through was really, really good. I think buttslaps have become our thing as a group. George, you made my day.

I Can't Think Of A Send Off

~Austin Dennis~


Today was pretty fun, though I did fruck up a lot of my lines, as usual. Gotta work on that. I'd really like to play the question game again, because I missed the last game. Oh well.

George; that was awesome.

Caveman Exercise!

Today was just plan amazing! For the most part, at least.
To start the day I had coffee and breakfast, which is always nice.

So this morning's caveman exercise beasted! I was lots of fun. It's amazing how intense you get in the game, and how everything becomes real, the actions and feelings. My bond with Jessica was excellent. And all of the feelings attached to that were so powerful, and the same goes for Claire in the second half. I WAS IN TEARS, SOBBING! I love you ALL. This is an amazing cast.
For the later half of the day, it was wonderful to get rid of all that poop. I must say the friday cast did beautifully, or almost, but we'll get there. Although I do have to say I was very upset with myself( at least until Ian gave me a shout out! :)). I knew my lines, and I thought I knew my ques too. I promise I studied them. But I guess I just don't know how fast they come or just being on stage with the lights and other people throws me off. Which ever it was I missed a few ques, sadly.

All in all, however, today was an excellent day. I had lots of fun


P.S. I left my glasses back stage today. Ian if you find these could you please keep them for me. I will get them tomorrow. THANKS.

Bad Day

Today was just not a good day.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 11




- kinda stumbly over the lines, but im practicing lots tonight


-mommy wouldn't let me audtion for Little Women


- Audition Schpiel (????) was super helpful
- Fizzy Skittles


- The Diary of Helen Keller
- Rap Battle, Shakespeare style

I'm also going to include my Uta Hagen questions in this post!

1) Who am I? - Costard, a clown. The fool. The swain.

2) Where am I? - The Court of Navarre, in the king's park France, Navarre University

3) What time is it? - Modern- ish time? 1600s? Somewhere in Shakespeare's warped perception of time. It makes more sense if you've taken PoT.

4) What are my surroundings? A buncha fools in love.

5) What are the given circumstances? - I got arrested for being with Jaquenetta in the park. I have to fast w/ bran and water. Don Adriano is my keeper.

6) What is my relationship? - Princess/ Ladies - I think they're nice, but a little stuck up.
The King - Throws me in jail, and then breaks his own law :PPPPPP what a meanypants
Biron - he's a pretty cool guy, he gave me money!
Longaville and Dumain - they're alright
Dull - I kinda feel sorry for her, she's not too bright.
Don Armado - Ugh! I don't like him! He stole Jaquenetta from me!
Jaquenetta - She's pretty, I like her.
Moth - He's so tiny! He's kinda cute until he tries to fight me.
Sir Nathaniel and Hollofranies - They're pretentious, but they made me part of their play, and acting is FUN.
7) What do I want? - Jaquenetta, not nesscesarrily to be with her forever, but just to have my way with her for a time

8) What is in my way? -Don Armado

9) How will I get it? - Have my way with her, then dump her on Don Armado.

10) How will I know when I got it? - Don Armado and Jaquenetta will be happily married and have a lovely baby!

Lines, lines, lines

Today was very informative. This is my second time hearing the audition speech, and I feel like it was more meaningful the second time. This is in part because I am starting to take acting a lot more seriously than I did when I was in STC last year, and I plan on many auditions in the future. What I found most helpful was the advice on using a monologue to play an objective. I hadn't realized until today that monologues really aren't asking that much out of you. And they aren't mysterious scales of judgement either. They are a tool to show that you can pick an objective and pursue it. Additionally, I was reassured by Ian's disclaimer about talent agents. I've met many peers who were active actors, and their parents went all out by hiring agents. One friend in particular still won't do high school theatre because his agent is against it. I always found it silly and over the top to feel like you need an agent. And the talk today helped to reaffirm my capability as an actor ON MY OWN.

First I would like to say, thank you Chloe for putting up with my mountain of lines and reading book for me! I would have loved to watched the Saturday performance, but I honestly needed to memorize. Hopefully, my (our if you include Chloe's effort :D) hard work will pay off tomorrow.

--Dylan Goodman


I'm Chloe Oliver and I will be portraying Blogger.

This is my third time around with the audition talk, and we're getting pretty tight. It might sleep over at my house this Friday. I remember the first time I heard it, it pretty much changed my world. All those little questions, some of which I hadn't even thought to ask, were cleared up. I can also say that having helped my dad (who's a producer) with auditions before- the human bit is very true. It's important to be professional, but when you're on the other side of the table it's also very easy to tell when niceness and eagerness is too forced or a put-on. The relaxed ones win the prize!
Running lines in the lobby was fun, and also pretty helpful. I'm trying to get to the point where I can't get my lines wrong, and I think I'm almost there! Poor Dylan- I got tired just watching book for him! Biron just goes on and on! It was also nice to act out scenes when possible with the actors there. Taylor and I have perfected our spanking technique.
Counting the Moments,

PS- a shout out to my cave partner-in-crime George! Can't wait to get in touch with my Natural Woman tomorrow.

With All The Rapping, That Holla Makes Sense!

I really thought today was productive. I don't think I'm going to be so very scared of auditions anymore. I think I'm still going to be nervous but I'M GOING TO BREATH which is always good. AND DONUTS.

I didn't see the Sat. Run through much - I was out with the lobby people running lines and trying to figure out one of the most important things I do that I had FORGOTTEN. (Shame, shame, self). That whole "what makes me say this here" bit. Hehe. I found out one thing awesome: Nat is sooooooo jealous of Don Armando. If it were any other character I'd expect catfights. WITH OUT THEIR SHIRTS ON, OOO.

Note: I've had coffee, my friend just got texting and I'm so hyper I've been bouncing going "boing" for twenty minutes. So excuse my insanity.

EDIT: So in my coffee fueled state, I forgot to say: SAT CAST. I sat in for the end of that and OH MY JESUS I was trying not to cry. ESPECIALLY Joey and Claire. YOU GUYSSSSS.

I feel like I'll have all my lines tomorrow, and my actions and my whys and guys, if I don't volunteer first for the Caveman game, or second, KICK ME IN THE SHINS. Make me do this. MAKE ME. Nrrr. I am not missing out on the fun because I'm scared to go first.

The Diary Of Helen Keller, Out.

~Austin Dennis~

Panic Attacks

sooo. Yea today the whole getting up and running lines without pauses totally gave me a full out panic attack. I don't enjoy being put on the spot but oh well. at least I got over THAT fear. kinda...

anyways, it was nice to learn about audition stuff.

it's kinda spooky that i realized that my audition for this camp was not at all what it should have been.

Had a great day!


P.S I got really bored and found this website where you can make figures and stuff and i made ones to represent the ladies :)


Notes from last Friday's run with the Friday cast. Please leave a comment if you are in this cast to verify that you have read and understood your notes. Notes from today's run with the Saturday cast will be coming later this evening.

General: When you have trouble with remembering a line, it’s usually because you’re unsure of the MEANING of the line. Talk to me if you have any line questions (I welcome it, I promise, it’ my hobby!) and we can sort out the meaning and make it easier to remember.

p.1 ALL – in preshow keep faces up and eyes focused on target.
p.1 ALL – sharpen character walks, make them bigger than you think they shul be
p.2 ALL MEN – really hit any words in this first scene that have to do with study, thought or the mind
p.2 BIRON & FERDINAND – Slow down 10% in this scene. This should be the slowest/clearest scene
p.2 BIRON – Use your “As thus” and “As” to set up transitions, really hit these.
p.3 FERDINAND – Focus on plosive sounds, especially at ends of words.
p.3 BIRON – Clarify idea in the “Item, if any mn be seen to talk…” speech. Slow it for emphasis.
p.4. ALL – You’re disgusted after handshake sequence, just perplexed at how weird it was.
p. 4 FERDINAND – Losing sound at ends of sentences. Mark your punctuation and really use them
p. 4 DULL – Take a moment to show Ferdinand the letter before you start reading the title
p.4 DULL – Cut the whisper on “There’s villainy abroad”
p.5 COSTARD – In “manner & form following” be precise about ideas (what exactly are you saying?) and let that speed up the text.
p.5 FERDINAND – Use “Will you hear this letter with attention” to reprimand Costard
p.6 COSTARD – More joy on “wench”
p.6 FERDINAND – Move center with Costard on “But, sirrah, what say you to this?”
p.7 BIRON – Use your last line, starting “I’ll lay my head to any good man’s hat…” to get offstage, all off by “Come on”
p.10 BOYET – There is no punctuation between “sole inheritor” and “of all perfections,” it’s one idea.
p.10 BOYET – How do you feel when the Princess insults you with “needs not the painted flourish of your praise”?
P.10 ALL – Make sure that ALL the ladies on stage are looking at the guy being discussed at any given moment, shouldn’t be looking anywhere else during this sequence.
p.11 ROSALINE – Focus on plosive sounds, especially at ends of words.
p.11 BOYET - Hit the ideas “lodge you in the field” and “besiege his court”
p.11 FERDINAND & PRINCESS – Slow down your initial banter; really show off for one another
p.11 PRINCESS – Flirt and play with Ferdinand in this scene, don’t attack him. Fun, not angry.
p.13 FERDINAND &PRINCESS – In the Aquitaine debate, it’s more civil, less attacking. You hold your ground, but you are royalty.
p.15 ALL – Unsure what you’re saying here. Ladies have fun teasing Boyet (not attacking) and Boyet teasing back.
p.16 MOTH – Focus on you plosives, especially at the ends of words (such as the ‘d’ of ‘lead’)
p.17 COSTARD – Slow down and emphasize “that’s the Latin word”
p.18 BIRON – Hit “The princess comes to hunt here in the park” or we won’t understand Deer Lake.
p.18 COSTARD –Use “Gardon, O sweet gardon” speech to get you off, so you are going through door by “Gardon! Remuneration!”
p.19 BIRON – Exit Up Right
p.19 PRINCESS – Play with “O, thy letter, thy letter”
p.21 ALL – Review Deer Lake, it’s only funny when precise.
p. 21 LONGAVILLE – Scream or Moan when you get shot.
p. 21 HOLOFERNES – More ‘performance art’-like on the whole “The deer was, as you know…” speech
p.21 NATHANIEL – Build through your lists, such as “to Phobe, to Luna, to the moon”
p.24 FERDINAND – Enter somewhat ooner, on “Here comes one”
p.24 FERDINAND – What are you saying in your sonnet? Not following the ideas.
p.26 ALL – This is where lines started to fall apart. Will have fewer notes from this point onwards. Please make sure you have your text in this scene and the next.
p.26 –DUMAIN – Make sure we hear you finish reading the poem “forsworn for thee.” before moving on.
p.27 ALL – Respond as each new person pops out from their hiding place. Should get bigger response with each reveal.
p.27 BIRON – Push chalkboard straight right instead of swinging it open.
p.27 BIRON – “Transformed” has an additional syllable on the ‘ed ending.
p.27 ALL – Less ANGRY. Tease and torment the other guys, don’t actually attack them in this scene. Also, have fun (especially Biron) playing your false innocence. “Oh, I’d NEVER fall in love!”
p.28 BIRON – The word is “inconstancy” not “inconsistency”. The meaning is the same.
p.31 BIRON – Start exiting on “We will with some strange pastime” so all off by “with flowers”
p.31 NATHANIEL – Build with each repetition in your ladder speech “I praise God for you”
p.31 NATHANIEL – Really give a pause after “without heresy.” before your next idea “I did converse…”
p.32 HOLOFERNES – Both speeches at the top of this page are lists, so build through tem.
p.32 HOLOFERNES – What are you saying in your “The posterior of the day” speech?
p.33 ARMADO – Cut hug/lift
p35 BOYET – Really hit ideas “disguised” and “Russians” whenever said
p.35 ALL – After Boyet’s “Like Muscovites or Russians,” insert “RUSSIANS??” as a reply.
p.37 BOYET – You can afford to be louder and build more through this scene.
p.40 BOYET – Move onto platform on “Madam and pretty mistresses”
p.41 FERDINAND – Counter left, to benches, on Princess’ entrance.
p.44 BIRON – Slow down all speeches in this scene

Where's the nearest Godiva?

Will someone please bury me in a hole? Preferably in a nice place.
Today was terrible. I was standing backstage literally shaking on the inside. All of my faith in myself is gone; I SUCK. I really need some Godiva chocolate. I know what I did wrong, practically everything, and I'm going to try and fix that. I just really really despise myelf for just being so awful! uhfdksfjsid.

Some highlights of the day:
  • Jessica and I having a silent rave in the crawspace upstairs.
  • Getting off stage.
  • Knowing most of my lines, though I screwed them up [blame my brain for malfunctioning].
  • Norah letting me borrow her spoon.
  • Knowing Winter's poem.
  • Realizing the secret to auditions.
  • Jamming to music in Taylor Renn's car.

The rest was just poop. All poop. I can't even talk about it. Sorry for disappointing you, Ian.

Sat Cast Run-Through

Today was fun. It was nice to run through the play without the script, but it was also very intimidating. It showed me which lines I "knew" and which lines I truly knew. I will be spending a good portion of my evening trying to get the lines, and my cues, down.

Shakespeare rapping, doodles, and massages.

Today started off very bad. I didn't have breakfast and I left my coffee at home. This made for a sad morning. I was very tired, and the slight headaches started after lunch (yes I am addicted to coffee, or caffeine, and this was withdrawal). After lunch and I ate I did feel significantly better, but still craving coffee.

Apart from that the audition advise was useful, this time I took notes so I shouldn't forget all this advise when it comes time I need it. I honestly don't do that many auditions and haven't decided if I want to pursue acting or not, so I don't know if I will do that many, but all the same.
After lunch watching the saturday cast was entertaining but humiliating, it may not have been perfect but that's expected, it was 10 times better than our poop. But I did enjoy relaxing on the side lines doodling in my script. I also really enjoyed the polishing we did. It was very funny and very helpful. I feel as though I am projecting much better, but I wonder if I am speaking too fast...

Well this play is coming together so beautifully, I think that both casts are going to have a wonderful show. Oh, I am going to start crying... wow I'm emotional. Last week, so sad. I have really enjoyed getting to know you all, this is such a fun and talented group of people I hope we don't loose touch.

On a lighter note, CAVEMAN GAME! All new comers, you are in for a treat! This is the most fun exercise that we do this entire camp, and as you all know that is saying something.



Sorry for posting this late...

I am Katharine of Alencon, an upper class, well off young woman. I'm pretty smart, and I love messing with guys who think they're in love with me. ;)
I am outside the court of Navarre, in an unknown field, in a generally foreign landscape. I'm pretty far away from home, and reasonably pissed off that I don't get to sleep in a big soft bed because of all of the men's vows, that ends up getting broken anyway.
It's present day. Mostly, it's time to relax and gossip and play pranks on our lovers. When we receive news of the King of France's death, though, it is time to mourn and return home.
I'm in a large, dusty field. The only thing that keeps me from throwing a full-on tantrum is that I have the Princess, Rosaline, and Maria to gossip with and plan pranks with. I'm also surrounded by the men of Navarre- I don't pay much attention to them. Although Dumain is really, really hot. Good thing he's madly in love with me.
Princess--> I am very close to her. We, of course, are comfortable sharing details about our ridiculous lovers and love lives in general, but I definitely rely on her for much more than that.
Rosaline--> I enjoy her company, but I sense she is constantly trying to impress the Princess, and that cause some tension between us.
Maria--> I'm good friends with Maria. I've known her for less time than the other ladies, but she's quite smart and I like making fun of Longaville and Dumain with her.
Dumain--> If only he was smarter, I would actually respect him as well as I respect my ladies. Even though he is pretty stupid, he is pretty much the hottest guy ever, and although I would NEVER admit it to anyone (except the Princess) I do like him a lot...
Other lords--> They are pretty full of themselves, but that only makes it more fun to mock them.
I'm a very well-off young woman. I should really be getting married soon. In fact, my father has been putting the pressure on for a couple of years now. However, I don't really let that affect me. I enjoy mocking men too much, and it is quite surprising that Dumain has stuck around through some of my crueler moments. I'm on a sort of vacation in a foreign kingdom, which is turning out to be a lot less glamorous than I expected.
I want to tease Dumain to the best of my abilities, but still have him stay around after my year of mourning. I want him to truly be in love with me, as opposed to the other men who have claimed just that and then given up once I started with the teasing.
It is quite possible that my unrelenting teasing will take its toll and drive Dumain away.
Because I'm a complicated teenager, I can't see any other way than to just keep teasing him. There is a point, though, where I'm pretty sure it's safe to show some affection. I become more solid in this resolution, and then realize that I have to leave to mourn the Princess's father. I'm really upset about it, but hopefully he will keep his word. If he's still waiting around after a year, I can be positive that he really loves me.
When I have gone through a full year of mourning and Dumain is still waiting for me, I will know that we were meant to be. Until then, he's just another guy.

The Diary of Hellen Keller

Should be next year's play. Just everyone running around screaming.

So, today has to be my best day yet. I was kind of dreading another week for some reason, but when I came to class, I remembered why I love acting. The audtion tips were invaluable, and I really need as much help as I can get with auditions, with being a freshman and all. Lunch was alright, but the Saturday cast was too obsessed about studying lines!

Watching the play was actually nice, and so was working on specific parts with everyone. I am REALLY starting to click with certain people, and each day is becoming a lot of fun. It's sad how this happens just as we are about to leave.

Also, on a sad note, this is our last Monday at STC for a year.
On a sadder note, I will be in drivers ed. one week from today.
On the SADDEST note, I will be two days into school a week from today.

Longaville Uta Hagen questions

1. Longaville, a lord to the king

2. I'm in the court of Navarre, France

3.Present Day

4. A woman that I love with other lords that don't want me to fall in love. Also for most of it we are either in a field or class room.

5. I am a lord to King Ferdinand

6. I am trying to hide my love from the other lord because I don't want to break my oath and go to hell while trying to woo a lady from France.

7. I want this girl, Maria, to marry me while still trying to keep my oath because I'm loyal to the king.

8. I have sworn an oath to a man that I feel intimidated by and is desperate for approval so there is no chance that I'm going to break it. I have also been over come by love and if this were to be shown then I would be publicly hummiliated and spend all eternity in hell for breaking such an oath to such a authority figure.

9.I'm am going to write sonnets, send outrageous gifts and dress up like Russian to try to prove my love to Maria.

10. I will know when I've won when I have found a loop whole in the contract and be married to the "empress of my love" Maria.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Uta, Uta, Uta, Uta (cult)

1) Who am I?
I am the illustrious Lord Biron. I am one of the King's confidants, yet it is one of the "keep your friends close, enemies closer" situations. I have a way with words and charisma to spare. I am a free thinker first and foremost. I will not be silenced, and if I don't like something, you'll be sure to know. Some would call me arrogant; I call it confidence.
2) Where am I?
I am in the kingdom of Navarre in France. It is a sprawling estate surrounded by green fields and fair weather. It is a playground of sorts for me. There are places only I know where I often sit and think. I can hide away from the world, unwind, be untouchable.
3) What time is it?
It is the present day. The Princess of France is coming as ambassador for her father. However, besides that political negotiation it is peace time. It is boring. And we all know people do stupid things when they're bored: the King of Navarre for example. He thinks he can take the next three years and swear off women!! And now we all have to suffer because his two other heads, Dumain and Logavaille, just fill his head with sycophancy and flattery.
4) What surrounds me?
I am surrounded by the castle, specifically the classroom in the castle. It was originally an old library, but Ferdinand, that is the King, thought it would be a great place to play school! Outside are the fields and my secret spots of solitude. I know all the ins and outs of this place. It is for that reason that I will surely break Ferdinand's edict without anyone catching on.
5) What is my relationship?
Ferdinand: pompous, airhead who doesn't deserve his power; thinks he knows better when he doesn't; ruins my life with his stupid edicts; I pretend to be friends with him out of simple necessity
Lords: hate them; they are childish, immature wannabes who simply do whatever Ferdinand says
Don Adriano De Armado: Do I really need to say anymore? No wonder why the French sided with Protestants during the Religious wars. The guy's freaking nuts!
Princess: She seems pretty stuck up and frigid to me, but if that is what Ferdinand likes...
Ladies: Rosaline is the only girl of worth that I see. She is beautiful, piercing, and ALMOST as quick-witted as me. She plays hard to get, and I like it!! The only weird thing is, I can help but feeling weak when I am around her. It is as if all my intelligence goes down the drain. Perhaps I am catching a cold?
Holofernes, Costard, Dull, Moth, Nathanial: Holofernes is a good teacher, and I like to impress her with my knowledge. My only problem is that her studies are the reason, Ferdinand has gotten so worked up! Nathanial is your typical pastor: stiff, annoying, and "holier than thou." Come to think of it, he probably suggested the no ladies clause be put in! He sure isn't gettin' any! Costard is a dumbass, and though I love him to death, he doesn't listen to directions and ruins my plans. I pity Moth because he has to watch over Don Adriano and make sure he doesn't play with scissors again.
6)What are my given circumstances?
Ferdinand has passed an edict that for three years we shall fast, study, and see no woman. I hate it. Why you should use swear to something that you know you'll break?! Luckily, I already know that ladies are coming, and they will be sure to make the lords and the king look like the fools I know them to be.
7) What do I want?
I want Rosaline to return my love. I want to see the King and his lords look like hypocrites. I want to know why I feel so sad and mopey all the time. I want to know why am I lost for words when I see Rosaline?! Me! Lost for words!
8) What is in my way?
A stupid edict. The letter for that I gave to Costard to be sent to Rosaline: how can I make them look like hypocrites if they know that I am one? My lack of experience in real, true love.
9)How am I going to get it?
I am going to use my secret hideouts and knowledge of the estate to sneakily send my love poems to Rosaline. I am going to use those same hideouts to spy on the Ferdinand and his Lords. I am going to confess my love to Rosaline.
10)How will I know when I have got it?
Rosaline will be in my arms; the king and lords will be begging me for forgiveness; and I will have realized what has always felt missing in my life: love!

Oh, Uta.

1. Who am I?
I AM HOLOFERNES. Scholar, Schoolmaster... Actor, and all around genius.

2. Where am I?
I am in the court of Navarre in France. I am teaching various classes on week days, I try to share my knowledge with the young people often. They need it. On the weekends I enjoy writing sonnets, epitaphs, poems or... beautiful plays starring myself.

3. What time is it?
It is present time.

4. What surrounds me?
Classroom walls, and very ignorant people. It would be so nice to have a conversation with someone who could keep up with my superior intellect one day. But for now, I shall settle for being surrounded by the French countryside and these inadequate persons.

5. What is my relationship?
Sir Nathaniel- Sweet Sir Nathaniel, he truly understands and appreciates my knowledge. He is great to have around, if only he were as smart as me, hm.
Dull- Oh, sweet Jesus. I cannot STAND him, his deterioting brain worsens every second. I try to humor him or teach him, but it is no use, he is an idiot. Such a freaking idiot.
Don Adriano DeArmado- This man thinks far too much of himself and his garrulous speech is too much for me to stand. You think he's done talking and he keeps going and going, and! That Spanish accent butchers his speech. Ugh.
Jacquenetta- Eh, lowly hooker lady, I don't really care. She is far too below me for me actually form an opinion about her.
ROYALTY- I wish to impress them.

6. What are the given circumstances?
I am here teaching these unattentative, stupid, and snobbish royal little boys. It's okay, I really do enjoy doing anything where I can spread my mountains of knowledge to others. I'm sure it's very helpful to them.

7. What do I want?
I want to finally be respected as I deserve to be. It is also a dream of mine to see my name in lights...HOLOFERNES!

8. What's in the way?
Well, it is such a battle to get the people of the court to actually pay attention and listen to me. So their ignorance is definitely in my way. As far as my acting dreams, my current job, status, and all around position in life is in the way.

9. How am I going to get it?
I will continue to teach and spread my knowledge to all people in order to gain respect and an understanding. In order to achieve my acting dream, I will start at the bottom and work my way up, starting with THE NINE WORTHIES. That will be the start of my career.

10. How will I know when I have won?
I will receive I higher position within the community and more power. And of course I will know when I achieve my acting fantasy when I star in a major play as the most beautiful leading lady and everyone LOVES me. My fame and career should take off from there.

theee end.

Uta Hagen.

1) Who am I?

I am Holofernes. I am pretentious. I am low in status, but I have confidence and assurance enough to believe I'm superior. I am short-tempered. I am better than all those...nobility...they just don't realize it. Sadly, I must keep quiet.

2)Where am I?
I am in the court of Navarre in France. There is a little building on the outskirts of the Prince's castle, and that is I educate young naive pupils. I am in my comfort zone, my domain. I am among people I am transcendent to and at times I am among people I am inferior to.

3)What time is it?
It is present time. It is a time of studying, it is my time. It is a time of no distractions.

4)What surrounds me?
New ideas, big pictures, pretentiousness. (: Ignorant silly lovers. People who don't understand my unlimited wisdom. Fields. Newcomers from France. A chalkboard, benches. Knowledge surrounds me.

5)What is my relationship?
My relationship to my classroom is conflicting. I love and respect it because it's where I can be myself and where I can shine and do what I do. I've spent numerous hours learning new things in this room. However, it reminds me of my low status, and the people I have to teach. Those ignorant stupid fools.

Sir Nathaniel - I am far far far superior to him. He is aspiring to be like me. He is under my tutorage. I'm secretly attached to him. He brings me up to a higher status. He's someone I can look down upon. He's someone I can beat up on. I really want to impress him with my amazingness, and show off.

Dull is dull. I don't know why he's always around. The only reason I talk to him is to show him how brilliant I am and to set him straight. He's that annoying nuisance that won't go away. But alas, what am I to do?

Lovers- They are all so foolish. So...full of it all. The boys especially. Their "poetry" can hardly be called "poetry" and their choice of words, descriptions, imagery is very unlearned. They obviousuly have not been paying attention in my class. I can't do anything about that though because they provide my paycheck. But I shall one day take a stand.

Chalk - My relationship with my chalk is very perfunctory. For some reason the chalk is always breaking in my hand. It matters not to me, because the Prince or King or whatever he claims to be will cover the losses.

Don Adriano De Armado is very obnoxious! Oh my, does his stilted language stir my blood. Who does he think he is? Very thrasonical. He is too much for one person to handle. Prancing about as he does. But he does have a few nice ideas, I suppose. But I really can't stand him. He threatens my authority, my knowledge.

6)What are the given circumstances?
The King of Navarre has just issued an edict saying that he and his votaries will be abstaining from women, food and sleep for three years. I am still teaching, and this edict is one of the best things that could happen for me. Finally I will be able to teach alllll the things I know! I can show them what I'm made of! They will finally see my true worth! However, the princess of France's father is sick. For some reason she has come to Navarre to settle a matter over Aquitaine. I don't care much for silly matters like that. Dull has been spending more time around Sir Nathaniel and I. uhk.

7)What do I want?
I want to show off and get the respect I deserve. I want to be surrounded by people who understand me and my knowledge. I also have a secret desire to act. Deep down, somewhere in my heart, beneath my Myocardial muscle, I want love, but that doesn't really concern me at the moment.

8)What's in the way?
The fact that no one will actually listen to me, besides Sir Nathaniel. Everyone is too...ignorant. Plus, it doesn't help that my status is so low. I am merely the teacher. I have no one that...understands me.

9)How am I going to get what I want?
I am going to prove to those silly ignorant, base people that my worth is extreme. I'm going to use the biggest words I know to demonstrate my knowledge. I'm going to beat down anyone who's an obstacle. Muahah.

Auntie Uta

1. Who am I?
As if anyone didn't already know. I am Don Adriano de Armado. Yes- you read correctly. That is "Don". Impressive, isn't it? I'm a favorite of the King of Navarre. As a most fearsome fighter and excellent poet, I'm around to show the lords a thing or two about manliness. The Old Spice guy learned his tricks from me. In addition to these enviable qualities, I am also a lover. Many ladies have swooned before me in the past, but now my heart belongs to the most beauteous maid, Jaquenetta.
2. Where am I?
I'm away from my country in Navarre.
3. What time is it?
It is time for me to focus on my studies to become even more godly. If only it weren't also time to settle down with a woman. I swear I'm really ready to do it this time. No more false promises and broken hearts. It's also time for the other women of the world to be let down, as my heart is taken. Sorry, ladies. Lastly it's about time I get rid of that pesky Costard once and for all.
4. What surrounds me?
The strange land and people of Navarre, as well as the overwhelming conflict in the air. I'm surrounded by lords I have to outdo, a King I have to impress, the guilt of being in love, a page always at my side, and the intoxicating passion for Jaquenetta.
5. What are my given circumstances?
I have promised to study three years with the duke, yet I must hereupon confess I am in love! I'm supposed to be instructing the men on the art of fighting, and study day and night. However there have proven to be distractions. I've also taken Costard as my prisoner, which is a bit of consolation.
6. What are my relationships?
King- even though he doesn't say it, I know I'm his favorite. I work very hard to impress him.
The Lords- All three are little girls compared to me. I don't understand why the King always chooses them for company (perhaps pity?), but I still try to keep on their good sides.
The Princess- I know I'm completely in love with Jaquenetta, but she is a hottie, and a man has needs.
Moth- Eh, he does what I tell him to. Sometimes I forget he's there.
Costard- Stupid swain! The worst part of Navarre. I'm only too happy to get him in trouble.
Jaquenetta- The sun, moon, stars, and all my existence! I'm sure I could never love again. I have only to live for her!
7. What do I want?
Respect from the court. I want everyone to be in awe of my strength and cleverness. Especially the King and Jaquenetta. I want Jaquenetta for my own! (Hear that, Costard?)
8. What is in the way of what I want?
The lords seem to be keeping me away from the King. I suspect they are spreading lies about me. I also suspect some racism in Navarre. The King also always seems oddly busy when I want to speak with him. As for Jaquenetta- Costard is in the way, and I fear she does not love me in return.
9. How will I get what I want?
I will show my extensive skills with language to impress everyone, and display my manliness. I'll do a little sucking up to the King by capturing Costard, and get him out of the way so I can get to Jaquenetta. I will profess my love to her and show off for her until she vows to be mine!
10. How will I know when I have what I want?
The King will proclaim that I'm his right hand man, and I'll wake up in bed next to Jaquenetta.

It's time for some UTA HAGEN!

ok so today was my very first experience with Uta Hagen. I've been thinking hard all weekend about this and so i'm going to attempt to get all my thoughts down on paper in a way that makes sense. Here we go...

1. Who am I?
I am Lady Maria (pronouced Ma-rye-ah, not Ma-reee-a). I am the least notable of the ladies so therefore I feel I would be the youngest. I am in my late teens (perhaps 17?) and I am an heir of Falconbridge. I am an intellectual and I'm quiet.

2. Where am I?
I am visiting the land of Navarre. Unfortunatly, due to an oath the king has made, I am spending my days in a tent in the field outside of the castle. I feel that I am in a place of not knowing whether to follow my heart or the princess, but I always follow her anyways.

3. What time is it?
This is modern time and present day. I'm at a time in my life where I am not taking love seriously. It is springtime when we arrive.

4. What surrounds me?
Unfortunatly leaves, dirt, and trees all surround me. I am also surrounded my the three other ladies and Boyet. All around me there is love but I don't take it seriously.Around me there is an air of royalty about me.

5.What is my relationship?
Like I said before I think I am the lowest of the four ladies, the least respected, the youngest. I also Have relations to being Longaville's "crush". I am an only daughter thus the only heir of falconbridge.

6. What are my given circumstances?
I am an heir of falconbridge and lord Longaville is in love with me and I sort of am in love with him as well but i don't take it seriously. ummm yea i guess that's it for this one...

7. What do I want?
I want to have more respect from my fellow ladies but I don't think I want to be put in a position of power quite yet. I also want Longaville to be mine but I'm not mature enough to realize it.

8. What's in the way?
Well with the respect it's my age and the views of the other ladies. In respects to Longaville, I'm in the way. My inability to take love seriously is a very difficult thing to overcome.

9. How am I going to get it?
To gain respect among the ladies I will act more mature and powerful as a way to prove how capable I am. With Longaville I will keep dragging him along until he finally admits that he is all mine and make a complete and total fool of himself ;).

10. How will I know when I won?
I will know when I get to talk more among the ladies and have more responsibilities. I will kow when I have won over Longaville when he realizes how much of a fool I have made him look like and still love me anyways.

So yea there's my Uta Hagen questions!

This really did help, I'm seeing my character totally differently and I think I know how to throw somethings in to the show that will help show this.

Katie Lavender

part two.

1. who am i?
the curate. well that's what i'm known as. but in addition, i also assist holofernes in the teaching of the king and the lords. and i know it isn't the best thing for me to say, but i honestly prefer the latter. i like to study. i like knowing things. and if we're being completely honest, most of all i like displaying my knowledge, especially to great holofernes.

2. where am i?
in the court of navarre. usually one can find me either in the classroom trying to teach unruly boys, or in the library studying and reading, or.... in the church of course.

3.what time is it?
the present, modern day. but in the court of navarre it's almost as if time stands still sooooo... let's say it's time for me to go back and hit the books!

4. what surrounds me?
a lot of people who don't appreciate the things they should. boys ( or should i call them "men"..) just chasing around women like they're dumb little puppies. come on people! oh i really shouldn't be talking about them this way. bad. nathaniel. bad. okay, at least i am almost always with holofernes, or my sanity would quite possibly be lost. and books. and texts. and sonnets. and the wonderful work of the underused brain.

5. what are my relationships?
HOLOFERNES - admiration. he knows so much and speaks like someone sent from heaven. if only i could be like him!
DULL- sometimes i feel bad for the poor fellow. usually when he just seems hopeless and beyond my help. but most of the time i just get frustrated with his extreme incomprehension of even the simplest thing.
ARMADO - i don't particularlyyyy dislike the man. but when he swooped in and talked to holofernes about the nine worthies... well that's exactly what he did. he swooped in. he got complete respect and friendship from him like [insert snap of fingers] that. how did that happen? i've never been able to make holofernes happy like that. sighh.
KING AND LORDS - well if you need examples of people who don't take their studies seriously.... ah maybe i'm being too harsh. i've certainly had worse subjects. it's just that i was so so happy when i heard of their 3 year fast (mainly happy about the woman part) so they could study. i should have known that wouldn't last. i can always hope though!

6. what are my given circumstances?
well i'm working with holofernes to teach these men. except i shouldn't phrase it that way. that flatters me too much. i'm being there with holofernes when he needs me, and trying to help as much as i can. that's in addition to being the parish curate. (which i should think more of, but secretly just have that as a position) once armado sweeps in the scene, i take on a spot given graciously to me by holofernes to be alisander in the nine worthies! which gives me a great way to show talent and dedication and everything to him.

7. what do i want?
i want to be treated like i'm important and i know my stuff. i sure have studied enough. i don't want to just be a shadow of holofernes, but i want him and others to regard me as more than that. that's it simply put.

8. what's in the way?
everyone's perceptions of holofernes and i. they see holofernes as the scholar, and i as the curate that bumbles along with him. and holofernes doesn't mean to, (at least i don't think he does) but he just sees me as lesser. no matter how much i try.

9. how am i going to get it?
do everything i've been doing, but more so. one thing holofernes is trademarked for is his ability to use ridiculous words and the snap of a finger. so maybe if i can be more like him that way, he'll respect me more? also, i'll try to speak up more instead of shrinking back.

10. how will i know when i've "won"?
i'll be given more responsibilities by holofernes and treated more like an equal. and people will come to me too instead of just going to him.

AHHHH that took a crazy crazy amount of time. but it was worth it. i feel so in tune with nathaniel. i was skeptical of this, i'm not gonna lie. i've done character bios before, but nothing like this, and they haven't helped much. but this is completely different. i'm so glad i didn't just skim through it, but i really got into nathaniel's brain. thank you thank you uta hagen!(:

-Jessica Mae Siefkes

part one.

okay so first i guess i should talk about friday, and then i'll do a separate part two post with the questions....
i loved the class with jerry. the uta hagen lesson was reallyyy useful to me, because i'd never had one before. and it was really cool to have someone who actually studied with her explain it. the great thing is that everything that he talked about i will carry with me to the next show i do. and the next. and the next and the next and the next. and i think you get the point. haha.
watching the first stumble through was really useful to get the perspective of all the scenes together and how they flow though we didn't get through it all. and watching it turn to poop made me much more determined to do my best so that when it's saturday night's turn tomorrow, it won't be quite as poopified. :)
oh and shout out to my jake and amir buddy if you're for some reason reading this. penguin suittttt. :)

Uta Hagen Questions

1. Who am I?
I am an old woman, yet a servant to the princess. The princess is above me in social status and, so, I am looked down upon. Although, I am looked to for advice; my old age has taught me much.

2. Where am I?
I am in the court of Navarre in France. I am either following the princess or running errands that she has given me.

3. What time is it?
It is modern day, but very formal, and as Ian put it, almost dream-like.

4. What surrounds me?
France, many royals; all of which I look up to, other people below me on social status, the field, palace, etc.

5. What is my relationship?
I am fairly smack in the middle when it comes to social status. I look up the the royals and their friends. I am not intimidated by them, but my old age has taught me to be respectful (except when I am drunk). I am almost a motherly figure to the princess and her girls. I tell them about a lot, but I must follow their commands. I am even more respectful to Ferdinand and his friends because they are royals of the land I am on.

6. What are the given circumstances?
The princess teases Ferdinand. He loves her, she thinks he's hot but isn't sure if she wants to be with him. I try to get her to get with him, but I am almost proud of my ladies when they stand up for themselves.

7. What do I want?
I want the princess to get with Ferdinand. I think it could help me, as well as the princess.

8. What's in the way?
The princess doesn't really want to be with Ferdinand. It's practically a game for her. In addition, her father dies.

9. How am I going to get it?
The only thing I can do; respectful persuasion. I can't lose my job, but I do try to talk sense into her.

10. How will I know when I have won?
When Ferdinand and the princess marry, and I am helping with marriage and honeymoon decisions.

Uta Hagen!

1. Who am I?
I am Rosaline, a Lady serving the Princess, her right hand "man" so to speak.
I think highly of myself, and hate to be made a fool of, but enjoy mocking others a great deal. I also enjoy gossip and simply having a good time.

2. Where am I?
I am in France, in the field of Navarre.

3. What time is it?
It is present day, but at the same time, it is all times and no time.

4. What surounds me?
I am surrounded by fields, tents, a castle near by, my fellow ladies and the princess, and men, in other words fools.

5. What is my relationship?
I am in King Ferdinand's land, in the field, because he won't let us in. I don't have any feelings towards my surrounding, but I can feel comfortable anywhere.

The Princess is my good friend of mine, but I also look up to her and serve her.
Maria and Katherine are also good friends, and I enjoy spending time with them, but I have little respect for them, because they have yet to prove themselves worthy.
I am attracted to Biron but can't show it because that would be a sign of weakness. He claims to love me, but I think he is only mocking me, and so I will mock him so I don't look the fool.
Ferdinand and the other lords also appear fools to me, they are all full of themselves and in love, making them an easy target for my and my friends jokes.

6. What are my given circumstances?
I have just traveled to Navarre with the Princess on important business, to find that the King won't see women in his court and we have to stay in the field.

7. What do I want?
I want Biron, but I want him to deserve my love, and so first he has to prove himself.
I need to feel powerful, and important.
I want to have fun (because girls just wanna have fu-un!).

8. What is in the way?
My own feeling of self importance, and lack of trust. I can't give myself to Biron because then I will be under him, a submissive women, and I need to feel powerful. So my wants are conflicting.
The King wont let us into his castle!

9. How am I going to get it?
Through jests and mocks, the way I always do. If Biron doesn't give up when I make a fool of him, if he pushes through and proves he loves me, then I will give in. I will make sure though that he knows I am in charge of the situation, that I hold the power in the relationship.

10. How will I know when I get it?
When Biron gives himself to me first, even after I make him into a complete fool.
And when my friends and I are all happy.

Wow, I really feel like I now have a connection with Rosaline. I really understand her :).
Now I just need to be solid in the text.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Trip Into The Mind of Sir Nathanial by Austin Dennis

1) Who Am I?

I am Sir Nathanial. I am twenty eight years old. I am a curate. I am an academic. I am a leader as well as a follower. I am an intellect. I am not a fighter. Nor am I an actor. I am a man built to use my brain as my primary organ.

2) Where Am I?

- I am in the court of Navarre, in the country of Navarre, which is in the general area of Europe.

3) What Time Is It?

- It is 2010 in the Year of Our Lord, or in laymen’s terms, present day..

4) What Surrounds Me?

- Intelligence and, sadly, a good amount of ignorance as well. Love, of course. People I look down upon, my superiors, and the one person I hold above others in intelligence and general person.

5) What Are My Relationships?

Holofernes – I respect him. He is my superior in class, status and intelligence. He…. Well, as it has been said before, I believe he “hung the moon and stars”. He is the focus of my wants.

Dull – Ignorant man, if only he would get an education! He frustrates me. He has such potential and does not act on it.

Costard – There is no hope for this man.

Don Ardiano de Armando – He is flamboyant to an excess and though he and Holofernes can get along well, neither has much respect for the other and therein I hold him in my box of people I show general distain for.

Moth – Moth has not yet wronged myself nor Holofernes, but neither has he garnered my respect, either.

The Lords And Ferdinand– They believe they are intelligent, yet by default they become the fools they are when they are in love. Yet, at the same time I must respect them, for they are my betters.

The Ladies and The Princess – I respect them. They hold their wit well and know a fool by the look of them.

6) What Are My Given Circumstances?

Well, for the final scene (I choose this scene because I cannot do this for the full play) I have just been coerced into being in a play by Holofernes, and as I mentioned above, I am no actor.

7) What Do I Want?

I want to please Holofernes, and someday have him be pleased enough to be his equal.

8) What Is In The Way?

Well, for a start, I am his lesser. I am also his lesser in my intelligence.

9) How Am I Going To Get it?

I must… continue on the path I am. Continue to study, to work, and tutor under him.

10) How Will I Know When I Have Got It?

I will know…. Well, I will know when I am appreciated. I believe that’s how. There is no… logical response to such a question, considering my wants, so I do not believe I can properly word exactly how I will know.