Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today was very fun. It was nice sitting outside for a change, but I can only thank the weather for that one. It's normally too hot to even open the door. I am nervous for the run through tomorrow. We are so close to opening that I can't really be forgetting cues, but I make no promises. As Ian said, the different atmosphere on stage causes me to forget lines/cues. I must get to working on that tonight to the point where I can't get it wrong.
Caveman game; always fun. People always get so vicious. I kinda love it. I would never be in the middle of it, but it is definitely fun to watch. I did find the group "rituals" somewhat amazing. No words were shared, yet we all had a common goal. It was an incredible feeling.
I liked watching the other cast run through. I like seeing the other Boyet perform so I can see what works on stage. It's nice to have that. And this really is a funny play. You dont' really notice it when you are up on stage.
But I am so sad that I missed the butt slap. Other than that, today was a good day.

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