I had great fun today. When Jerry told us about Uta Hagen, it seemed fresh again. When you learn about it in Theatre class, it just isn't the same. :) And it filled me with a burning desire to be one of those drones of hopeful actors who go to New York City because they are just that naive. You just throw your life to chance and find your way. It seems rather cathartic if you ask me: live the life of a real artist. You are subject to the flow of the city. As the sea ebbs and flows, jobs would be mercurial as wind. But isn't that the beauty of it? You need the contrast, so when you finally get the part, the moment is truly glorious. And you realize your journey has meaning after all.
But that is just me thinking out loud. ;) The run-through today was very rough. However, despite my reinforcement of merde, in the beginning of the play (when I actually knew my lines) I was really feeling it. The energy was there, and I was having fun. Then of course, well, the other half happened. Poop appeared as promised. And I feel bad that I wasn't ready off-book day when I should probably have been. I'm sorry Ian!!
On a positive note, if you have been reading my blog posts then you surely know of my problems with "living in my head" as I think I put it. Well, today, I was reminded that I do have the ability to break out of my brain, and my emotions can be just as strong if I let them. I think that is why I have been able to make it thus far as an actor. I do have a good connection with my emotions. It is more of a matter of being able to recognize that and be able to tap in that voluntarily, not just in spurts.
Anyway, I cannot believe the second week is already over!! Next week is sure to be a ton of fun. Even though it is sad, we just need to make sure that we take full advantage of the time that we still have together and blow this Love's Labor's until it is Lost!
--Dylan Goodman
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