Thursday, July 22, 2010

You are fine

Okay so today was, as always, lots of fun. I was, however, very upset that we did not get to do much actual class work today. The chair game was lots of fun though! ("I will murder your parents!" "Don't listen to her, she's a woman!").
Dear lake was so amazing to watch and be a part of. Watching boys who have never before danced ballet, attempt it... well it's just hilarious. We better work on this more.
That last scene with the song is so incredible. I swear I started crying watching the other cast do it to the music. It is just so beautiful and so heartbreaking! We might actually have a tearful audience, how weird would that be. I really want to get up and do it with the music because I think that will make it flow better. The whole turning really slow thing is awkward to do but with the music it makes sense, so I think it will feel more right I guess.
Okay we are opening in a week from tomorrow, this is the most frightening thought ever. Well that and there's that other thing about being off book tomorrow.... Yeah I'm working on that.


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