Sunday, July 25, 2010

Uta Hagen.

1) Who am I?

I am Holofernes. I am pretentious. I am low in status, but I have confidence and assurance enough to believe I'm superior. I am short-tempered. I am better than all those...nobility...they just don't realize it. Sadly, I must keep quiet.

2)Where am I?
I am in the court of Navarre in France. There is a little building on the outskirts of the Prince's castle, and that is I educate young naive pupils. I am in my comfort zone, my domain. I am among people I am transcendent to and at times I am among people I am inferior to.

3)What time is it?
It is present time. It is a time of studying, it is my time. It is a time of no distractions.

4)What surrounds me?
New ideas, big pictures, pretentiousness. (: Ignorant silly lovers. People who don't understand my unlimited wisdom. Fields. Newcomers from France. A chalkboard, benches. Knowledge surrounds me.

5)What is my relationship?
My relationship to my classroom is conflicting. I love and respect it because it's where I can be myself and where I can shine and do what I do. I've spent numerous hours learning new things in this room. However, it reminds me of my low status, and the people I have to teach. Those ignorant stupid fools.

Sir Nathaniel - I am far far far superior to him. He is aspiring to be like me. He is under my tutorage. I'm secretly attached to him. He brings me up to a higher status. He's someone I can look down upon. He's someone I can beat up on. I really want to impress him with my amazingness, and show off.

Dull is dull. I don't know why he's always around. The only reason I talk to him is to show him how brilliant I am and to set him straight. He's that annoying nuisance that won't go away. But alas, what am I to do?

Lovers- They are all so foolish. So...full of it all. The boys especially. Their "poetry" can hardly be called "poetry" and their choice of words, descriptions, imagery is very unlearned. They obviousuly have not been paying attention in my class. I can't do anything about that though because they provide my paycheck. But I shall one day take a stand.

Chalk - My relationship with my chalk is very perfunctory. For some reason the chalk is always breaking in my hand. It matters not to me, because the Prince or King or whatever he claims to be will cover the losses.

Don Adriano De Armado is very obnoxious! Oh my, does his stilted language stir my blood. Who does he think he is? Very thrasonical. He is too much for one person to handle. Prancing about as he does. But he does have a few nice ideas, I suppose. But I really can't stand him. He threatens my authority, my knowledge.

6)What are the given circumstances?
The King of Navarre has just issued an edict saying that he and his votaries will be abstaining from women, food and sleep for three years. I am still teaching, and this edict is one of the best things that could happen for me. Finally I will be able to teach alllll the things I know! I can show them what I'm made of! They will finally see my true worth! However, the princess of France's father is sick. For some reason she has come to Navarre to settle a matter over Aquitaine. I don't care much for silly matters like that. Dull has been spending more time around Sir Nathaniel and I. uhk.

7)What do I want?
I want to show off and get the respect I deserve. I want to be surrounded by people who understand me and my knowledge. I also have a secret desire to act. Deep down, somewhere in my heart, beneath my Myocardial muscle, I want love, but that doesn't really concern me at the moment.

8)What's in the way?
The fact that no one will actually listen to me, besides Sir Nathaniel. Everyone is too...ignorant. Plus, it doesn't help that my status is so low. I am merely the teacher. I have no one that...understands me.

9)How am I going to get what I want?
I am going to prove to those silly ignorant, base people that my worth is extreme. I'm going to use the biggest words I know to demonstrate my knowledge. I'm going to beat down anyone who's an obstacle. Muahah.

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