Sunday, July 25, 2010

Uta Hagen!

1. Who am I?
I am Rosaline, a Lady serving the Princess, her right hand "man" so to speak.
I think highly of myself, and hate to be made a fool of, but enjoy mocking others a great deal. I also enjoy gossip and simply having a good time.

2. Where am I?
I am in France, in the field of Navarre.

3. What time is it?
It is present day, but at the same time, it is all times and no time.

4. What surounds me?
I am surrounded by fields, tents, a castle near by, my fellow ladies and the princess, and men, in other words fools.

5. What is my relationship?
I am in King Ferdinand's land, in the field, because he won't let us in. I don't have any feelings towards my surrounding, but I can feel comfortable anywhere.

The Princess is my good friend of mine, but I also look up to her and serve her.
Maria and Katherine are also good friends, and I enjoy spending time with them, but I have little respect for them, because they have yet to prove themselves worthy.
I am attracted to Biron but can't show it because that would be a sign of weakness. He claims to love me, but I think he is only mocking me, and so I will mock him so I don't look the fool.
Ferdinand and the other lords also appear fools to me, they are all full of themselves and in love, making them an easy target for my and my friends jokes.

6. What are my given circumstances?
I have just traveled to Navarre with the Princess on important business, to find that the King won't see women in his court and we have to stay in the field.

7. What do I want?
I want Biron, but I want him to deserve my love, and so first he has to prove himself.
I need to feel powerful, and important.
I want to have fun (because girls just wanna have fu-un!).

8. What is in the way?
My own feeling of self importance, and lack of trust. I can't give myself to Biron because then I will be under him, a submissive women, and I need to feel powerful. So my wants are conflicting.
The King wont let us into his castle!

9. How am I going to get it?
Through jests and mocks, the way I always do. If Biron doesn't give up when I make a fool of him, if he pushes through and proves he loves me, then I will give in. I will make sure though that he knows I am in charge of the situation, that I hold the power in the relationship.

10. How will I know when I get it?
When Biron gives himself to me first, even after I make him into a complete fool.
And when my friends and I are all happy.

Wow, I really feel like I now have a connection with Rosaline. I really understand her :).
Now I just need to be solid in the text.

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