Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Clowning around!

AHH! I didn't comment yesterday. I have no excuse. I forgot. I feel like a failure. I almost want to cry. I didn't go one day without blogging last year and now this is the second time. Maybe this just means that now I have a life! There we'll go with that.

Alright to start things off. Improv has been one of my greatest fears. I was never good at it. I always thought that I'm not clever enough, I can't think up funny things on the spot, ect ect. But I am good at following impulses, I can do that, that's easy. I really enjoyed watching the improv activities and being in the subway one was fun. I didn't do it last year (too scared). But I really wish that I could have done the other exercise now that I understand improv. I feel so fulfilled!

Okay clowning today was AMAZING! It was so fun. I really really enjoyed the whole experience, I felt like I just became a new person. Like I wasn't Norah anymore but I was this clown person who wasn't afraid to just go all out and show off (but not without also making everyone else look good! See I pay attention!).

YAY for being finished with blocking! This is exciting because now we get to work on our characters and relationships and acting. Fun stuff! Memorizing lines though... this is terrifying to me. I think it has replaced improv as my worst fear. Which is strange because memorizing has never been hard for me. But these lines just wont stick and I don't think I am going to be ready by friday. Then again this may be because I don't think I have ever had this many lines before. ARGLAPHLICLE! Ah well, I will work it out (*burst out into the Beatles music* We can work it out!).

With much love,

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