Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I love Improv...but does it love me..?

Hi folks. I speak from a very frustrated place tonight. I had a really bad headache all day so the day was not as fun as i was hoping it'd be. That plus my orthodontist lying to me AGAIN really didn’t start my day well.

On another note, I love improv. I've always loved doing it...but I, like Dylan, fall into lovely wrapped up traps known as stock characters. They suck. Apart from that, I'm known for "being in my head" as an actor and thinking too damn much instead of simply reacting. Therefore the seaweed game was especially hard for me because while I'm trying to be honest about my reactions the only thing in my head is "THINK OF SOMETHING CLEVER YOU PRICK! NOW! DO IT! GO!" And you might think im crazy but i promise im not. I really enjoyed the Subway exercise this time! I think i did better with not coming up with things beforehand. I definitely did better with the party exercise which i botched last year if i did it at all...

Blocking was fun! However. My knees hurt. :( Also I can't wait to say my favorite line tomorrow.

Much Love Folks,

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