Saturday, July 24, 2010

If you give a mouse a cookie...

Ian will take that cookie away and make it do homework. :(

Who am I?

I am the magnificent Lord Longaville. I am dying for power, but cannot recieve it because of Dumain and Biron, who are more powerful than I am. I am tall, muscular, and while I am smart, I don't like to show off by using my expansive vocabulary (unless I am with the king). I grew up with my mother and father until I turned sixteen and lived in the castle with Ferdinand.

Where am I?

I am in France, but specifically in Navarre. I am living in the castle.

What time is it?

It is the 17th century.

What surrounds me?

I am surrounded by my many loyal subject, and also my two lords. I am also surrounded by my king, and three women, one who I am in love with.

What is my relationship to who or what?

I am constantly trying to impress the king, because the king is my direct link to more power. Secretly, I think he is a pompus ass. I also dislike Biron, because he is the kings right hand man, which means I can't be. I am constantly trying to prove the the king I am more worthy of his praise than him. I am friends with Dumain, because we have some of the same interests, and he is at the same level of power as I am. I am deeply, passionately in love with Maria. I very much dislike the princess, because she is extremely stuck up. I do not care for, but also do not hate, the other two ladies. They are stuck up, but not more so than Maria, so I can live with it. I think the Spaniard is incredibly idiotic, but so much so that he is almost funny.

What are my given circumstances?

I am rich and powerful. I have sworn to an oath, and severly regret it because I have met Maria. I am strong and smart, but not as witty as Biron. All in all, I have very good circumstances.

What do I want?

I want two things.
1. I want Maria to love me and marry me.
2. I want more power than I already have.
After this, all the other things (food, sleep, knowledge) are superflous.

What is in the way of what I want?

Maria may or may not feel that way about me, and I have sworn an oath that says I may not see a woman for three years. If I break this oath, I will go to hell and lose the kings respect. I feel more strongly about the latter.

How am I going to get it?

I will send her a love sonnet and hopefully be with her in secrecy. It is an idealistic thing, and most likely wont work out, but I have to try.

How will I know when I 've got it?

When Maria is carrying my baby and when I am the kings right hand man.

OK, that actually kind of helped. I need to go study lines.

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