Thursday, July 22, 2010


I had a lot of fun today! Even thought the morning was an extension of rehearsal, I really enjoyed working on accents and the status game. It felt so much fun to just go up there and just throw myself into an objective, quite literally. Plus, competing with Blake for chairs was quite an exciting race and: an honor. ;D

Polishing went really well, and I am feeling more in tune with my character than ever. Everything seems to be falling into place, and it is kind of bitter-sweet. It is great because all our hard work is paying off, but at the same time, we are coming into the final stretch. And I will soon have to part with a group of people that I really have grown to love.

BUT now is not the time to feel sentimental! We still have a lot more fun times to come, and I look forward to meeting them as an ensemble. Memorize those lines people!! See ya tomorrow!

--Dylan Goodman

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