Monday, July 26, 2010

Where's the nearest Godiva?

Will someone please bury me in a hole? Preferably in a nice place.
Today was terrible. I was standing backstage literally shaking on the inside. All of my faith in myself is gone; I SUCK. I really need some Godiva chocolate. I know what I did wrong, practically everything, and I'm going to try and fix that. I just really really despise myelf for just being so awful! uhfdksfjsid.

Some highlights of the day:
  • Jessica and I having a silent rave in the crawspace upstairs.
  • Getting off stage.
  • Knowing most of my lines, though I screwed them up [blame my brain for malfunctioning].
  • Norah letting me borrow her spoon.
  • Knowing Winter's poem.
  • Realizing the secret to auditions.
  • Jamming to music in Taylor Renn's car.

The rest was just poop. All poop. I can't even talk about it. Sorry for disappointing you, Ian.

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