Friday, July 23, 2010

Creepy Babies

Oh god that baby was CREEPY. Sorry. Nrr.

Um, today was really very fun, and very exciting. I love character work to DEATH. Uta Hoggin asks her nine questions - I tend to go deeper. I really do. I tend to get down to what they have for breakfast every morning and why, including flavor and strength of the given beverage if there is one.

Also, just think - we're all two degrees away from MERYL STREEP.

You're going to get a second post from me - well, Nathanial - with the answers to the questions. And yes, I'm going to use complete sentences, because it would KILL Nat to use anything but, and he's really going to be answering it.

It's That Time To Get Sentimental
Lines Lines Lines

~Austin Dennis~

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