Monday, July 26, 2010

With All The Rapping, That Holla Makes Sense!

I really thought today was productive. I don't think I'm going to be so very scared of auditions anymore. I think I'm still going to be nervous but I'M GOING TO BREATH which is always good. AND DONUTS.

I didn't see the Sat. Run through much - I was out with the lobby people running lines and trying to figure out one of the most important things I do that I had FORGOTTEN. (Shame, shame, self). That whole "what makes me say this here" bit. Hehe. I found out one thing awesome: Nat is sooooooo jealous of Don Armando. If it were any other character I'd expect catfights. WITH OUT THEIR SHIRTS ON, OOO.

Note: I've had coffee, my friend just got texting and I'm so hyper I've been bouncing going "boing" for twenty minutes. So excuse my insanity.

EDIT: So in my coffee fueled state, I forgot to say: SAT CAST. I sat in for the end of that and OH MY JESUS I was trying not to cry. ESPECIALLY Joey and Claire. YOU GUYSSSSS.

I feel like I'll have all my lines tomorrow, and my actions and my whys and guys, if I don't volunteer first for the Caveman game, or second, KICK ME IN THE SHINS. Make me do this. MAKE ME. Nrrr. I am not missing out on the fun because I'm scared to go first.

The Diary Of Helen Keller, Out.

~Austin Dennis~

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