Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ugh! (*pours water*)

Oh, the caveman game. So intense. So cathartic. I felt very connected to my woman's intuition and instinctual nature. I was also clearly very connected to George. I think perhaps because I've had lots of pent up emotions lately, and since we were together from the beginning I just put all my trust in him and projected all of my needs and hopes in the game onto him. That's why it was so hard when he died. I don't think either of us could have led effectively without the other. We must have been allied bunnies or something in a past life. I also feel more connected to the ensemble as a whole. It's just so nice to get a chance to live fully in my body and off of impulse, which is what I like to do in regular life, anyway.
As for the run through, I felt more confident this time. I still sometimes get distracted and not fully in the moment, but I'm working on it! It's also a lot of fun to make use of the riding crop. (Shout out to Blake for bringing it in.)
Thinking of you,

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