Wow, today went by quickly. I really enjoyed watching the other cast. While there were a few slip ups by the larger roles, the people with smaller roles were nearly perfect. There were some parts in the play that were hysterical, and some that were heartbreaking. I feel that now, even with it's flaws, the play has substance.
Now, I can only speak for myself, but I feel that the Friday run through went EXTREMELY well. I thought that it went nearly perfectly, even with the "I am amazed and know not what to say." The last scene needs a lot of polishing though, and hopefully everyone who needs to will be studying tonight. But I am really proud to say that I am a part of this play.
I can't wait for tomorrow. It's a weird feeling, with it being the last day and all. I am proud to have been a part of this play, and it's nice to know it's nearly finished, which means we have done our job. But I don't want it to end! The friends I have made here will never be forgotten!
But this is no time for tears! (as Dylan said). We still have the most important part of our job to do! And remember, we still have one day left and the dinner at The Pit for a lot of people. Speaking of, thanks Andy for setting that up, it should be really fun.
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