Thursday, July 29, 2010


It is about to be ten and I want to make sure to get plenty of sleep. So I will try to make this short:

Today was all that I could have hoped for in terms of a dress rehearsal. Everyone has made SO much progress, and the show looks fantastic. I was especially nervous because my mom saw our dress rehearsal, but as always she loved it! She thought Chloe was hilarious and Sari-Rose fantastic ( see, she didn't even the notice the mistakes ;D). Additionally, she thought it to be very funny and she definitely understood the overall plot--which is big since my mom was scarred by the stuffy Shakespeare interpretations of her school years.

I don't want to jinx it, but I think we put on great shows. We are in a much more solid place than I thought, and it can only get better from here! Get sleep, memorize lines, and let's have fun tomorrow! (and be good representatives of Burning Coal) :)

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