Monday, July 26, 2010

The Diary of Hellen Keller

Should be next year's play. Just everyone running around screaming.

So, today has to be my best day yet. I was kind of dreading another week for some reason, but when I came to class, I remembered why I love acting. The audtion tips were invaluable, and I really need as much help as I can get with auditions, with being a freshman and all. Lunch was alright, but the Saturday cast was too obsessed about studying lines!

Watching the play was actually nice, and so was working on specific parts with everyone. I am REALLY starting to click with certain people, and each day is becoming a lot of fun. It's sad how this happens just as we are about to leave.

Also, on a sad note, this is our last Monday at STC for a year.
On a sadder note, I will be in drivers ed. one week from today.
On the SADDEST note, I will be two days into school a week from today.

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