Monday, July 26, 2010

Longaville Uta Hagen questions

1. Longaville, a lord to the king

2. I'm in the court of Navarre, France

3.Present Day

4. A woman that I love with other lords that don't want me to fall in love. Also for most of it we are either in a field or class room.

5. I am a lord to King Ferdinand

6. I am trying to hide my love from the other lord because I don't want to break my oath and go to hell while trying to woo a lady from France.

7. I want this girl, Maria, to marry me while still trying to keep my oath because I'm loyal to the king.

8. I have sworn an oath to a man that I feel intimidated by and is desperate for approval so there is no chance that I'm going to break it. I have also been over come by love and if this were to be shown then I would be publicly hummiliated and spend all eternity in hell for breaking such an oath to such a authority figure.

9.I'm am going to write sonnets, send outrageous gifts and dress up like Russian to try to prove my love to Maria.

10. I will know when I've won when I have found a loop whole in the contract and be married to the "empress of my love" Maria.

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