ok so today was my very first experience with Uta Hagen. I've been thinking hard all weekend about this and so i'm going to attempt to get all my thoughts down on paper in a way that makes sense. Here we go...
1. Who am I?
I am Lady Maria (pronouced Ma-rye-ah, not Ma-reee-a). I am the least notable of the ladies so therefore I feel I would be the youngest. I am in my late teens (perhaps 17?) and I am an heir of Falconbridge. I am an intellectual and I'm quiet.
2. Where am I?
I am visiting the land of Navarre. Unfortunatly, due to an oath the king has made, I am spending my days in a tent in the field outside of the castle. I feel that I am in a place of not knowing whether to follow my heart or the princess, but I always follow her anyways.
3. What time is it?
This is modern time and present day. I'm at a time in my life where I am not taking love seriously. It is springtime when we arrive.
4. What surrounds me?
Unfortunatly leaves, dirt, and trees all surround me. I am also surrounded my the three other ladies and Boyet. All around me there is love but I don't take it seriously.Around me there is an air of royalty about me.
5.What is my relationship?
Like I said before I think I am the lowest of the four ladies, the least respected, the youngest. I also Have relations to being Longaville's "crush". I am an only daughter thus the only heir of falconbridge.
6. What are my given circumstances?
I am an heir of falconbridge and lord Longaville is in love with me and I sort of am in love with him as well but i don't take it seriously. ummm yea i guess that's it for this one...
7. What do I want?
I want to have more respect from my fellow ladies but I don't think I want to be put in a position of power quite yet. I also want Longaville to be mine but I'm not mature enough to realize it.
8. What's in the way?
Well with the respect it's my age and the views of the other ladies. In respects to Longaville, I'm in the way. My inability to take love seriously is a very difficult thing to overcome.
9. How am I going to get it?
To gain respect among the ladies I will act more mature and powerful as a way to prove how capable I am. With Longaville I will keep dragging him along until he finally admits that he is all mine and make a complete and total fool of himself ;).
10. How will I know when I won?
I will know when I get to talk more among the ladies and have more responsibilities. I will kow when I have won over Longaville when he realizes how much of a fool I have made him look like and still love me anyways.
So yea there's my Uta Hagen questions!
This really did help, I'm seeing my character totally differently and I think I know how to throw somethings in to the show that will help show this.
Katie Lavender
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