Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Je t'adore

So, today was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed clowning, and I feel like I know a lot more about my character. I believe he leads with his chest and is always ever so passionate about something, maybe even a tad over dramatic. His passion, however, is driven into making himself look good and arguing with others. He is very opinionated and persuasive and, therefore, controlling. He feels like he can talk his way out of anything until he finally finds something he can't explain: love. It leaves him confounded and confused; he is speechless, which scares him. So he compensates by doing the only thing he knows: being ridiculously passionate!

Besides that, what I found so exciting about clowning was the fact that it really reconnected me to the ensemble. That is to say that I felt like everyone was working off each other and doing what great actors do: make their fellow actor's look good. Everyone contributed and everyone was there for each other. I am quite satisfied to be a part of such a wonderfully supportive group of people, and I believe I finally understand what Ian says when he refers to the "gestalt."

--Dylan Goodman

p.s. for those of you who remember the melancholy check-ins of Julia, Chloe, and myself, it was due to the fact that les garçons français have said au revoir to Raleigh. They were some cool kids. And if you had any interest in asking one of us to set you up on a date, that ship has sailed. ;D

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