Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Soul--Yael Naim

Currently I am listening to "New Soul" by Yael Naim ( the one made famous by the Apple commercials). It goes a little something like this: "I'm a young soul in this very strange world hoping I could learn about what is true and fake. " I feel like this song is very much about my struggle as an actor. As Ian pointed out, I have a little bit of a problem with trying to be clever and "living in my head." I think it may have to do with a slightly unhealthy need to be liked by others. However, I don't think the seaweed game necessarily helps with that particular issue...;D
ANYWAY, Back to theatre! The thing is my problem is really as simple as that song lyric: learning what is true and fake. That is to realize that my fabricated characters and jokes may work for stand-up comedy or writing, but in the end they aren't sincere--it isn't real. When you choose to live in that world of illusions and scheming, you block out everyone else. You block out the people around you; you stop those impulses that are so innate in humanity and stop listening. When I take that choice, I am being self-indulgent, self-absorbed, and all those other fun words that begin with self!

I am sorry to just go off on a whole therapy session there, but sometimes you just need to put it in writing. For the reasons above, I really loved the goal of today's exercises. Being seaweed is always a lot of fun, and the subway game usually is too. But I feel like I had a rough start, and even though I'd told myself I wasn't going to use a stock character, I DID...and I did not realize until after the fact. :( With the party improv game, I felt like I was starting to finally get the hang of it. Not knowing what to expect really allowed my mind to not shift through a bunch of possibilities that would manufacture "funny." I feel like I made a breakthrough in my acting vice, and I only hope to continue working towards that feeling of being able to turn the brain machine OFF at least when I want to. ;)

Blocking went well until the end when it got a little crazy, and I feel like I got a little confused with keeping track of my blocking notes. Just a warning, there may be a chance of poop tomorrow. I am excited to start polishing, clowning, and having a great time with everyone!

--Dylan Goodman

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