Sunday, July 25, 2010

part two.

1. who am i?
the curate. well that's what i'm known as. but in addition, i also assist holofernes in the teaching of the king and the lords. and i know it isn't the best thing for me to say, but i honestly prefer the latter. i like to study. i like knowing things. and if we're being completely honest, most of all i like displaying my knowledge, especially to great holofernes.

2. where am i?
in the court of navarre. usually one can find me either in the classroom trying to teach unruly boys, or in the library studying and reading, or.... in the church of course.

3.what time is it?
the present, modern day. but in the court of navarre it's almost as if time stands still sooooo... let's say it's time for me to go back and hit the books!

4. what surrounds me?
a lot of people who don't appreciate the things they should. boys ( or should i call them "men"..) just chasing around women like they're dumb little puppies. come on people! oh i really shouldn't be talking about them this way. bad. nathaniel. bad. okay, at least i am almost always with holofernes, or my sanity would quite possibly be lost. and books. and texts. and sonnets. and the wonderful work of the underused brain.

5. what are my relationships?
HOLOFERNES - admiration. he knows so much and speaks like someone sent from heaven. if only i could be like him!
DULL- sometimes i feel bad for the poor fellow. usually when he just seems hopeless and beyond my help. but most of the time i just get frustrated with his extreme incomprehension of even the simplest thing.
ARMADO - i don't particularlyyyy dislike the man. but when he swooped in and talked to holofernes about the nine worthies... well that's exactly what he did. he swooped in. he got complete respect and friendship from him like [insert snap of fingers] that. how did that happen? i've never been able to make holofernes happy like that. sighh.
KING AND LORDS - well if you need examples of people who don't take their studies seriously.... ah maybe i'm being too harsh. i've certainly had worse subjects. it's just that i was so so happy when i heard of their 3 year fast (mainly happy about the woman part) so they could study. i should have known that wouldn't last. i can always hope though!

6. what are my given circumstances?
well i'm working with holofernes to teach these men. except i shouldn't phrase it that way. that flatters me too much. i'm being there with holofernes when he needs me, and trying to help as much as i can. that's in addition to being the parish curate. (which i should think more of, but secretly just have that as a position) once armado sweeps in the scene, i take on a spot given graciously to me by holofernes to be alisander in the nine worthies! which gives me a great way to show talent and dedication and everything to him.

7. what do i want?
i want to be treated like i'm important and i know my stuff. i sure have studied enough. i don't want to just be a shadow of holofernes, but i want him and others to regard me as more than that. that's it simply put.

8. what's in the way?
everyone's perceptions of holofernes and i. they see holofernes as the scholar, and i as the curate that bumbles along with him. and holofernes doesn't mean to, (at least i don't think he does) but he just sees me as lesser. no matter how much i try.

9. how am i going to get it?
do everything i've been doing, but more so. one thing holofernes is trademarked for is his ability to use ridiculous words and the snap of a finger. so maybe if i can be more like him that way, he'll respect me more? also, i'll try to speak up more instead of shrinking back.

10. how will i know when i've "won"?
i'll be given more responsibilities by holofernes and treated more like an equal. and people will come to me too instead of just going to him.

AHHHH that took a crazy crazy amount of time. but it was worth it. i feel so in tune with nathaniel. i was skeptical of this, i'm not gonna lie. i've done character bios before, but nothing like this, and they haven't helped much. but this is completely different. i'm so glad i didn't just skim through it, but i really got into nathaniel's brain. thank you thank you uta hagen!(:

-Jessica Mae Siefkes

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