Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It Isn't You, It's That You Stole My Wallet.

First, I was going to start this post with how amazing the day was. How I'm getting less and less terrified of improv, how amazing everyone is, acting wise, and how I laughed so hard I nearly died. That, and awwwwed at George as both the guy at the party and Biron that I also nearly died. That, and my excitement for clown class tomorrow, and Deer Lake, and finishing blocking, and everything.

Then, I was going to begin this with "I hate mopeds" and segue into that. Because I seriously hate them.

And then I got distracted by ABC 11. And the breaking news. About the fact that some protesters got into the board room. Mostly because I thought I saw Andy (Dumain Andy, who's last name escapes me) on one of the clips. I feel incredibly crazy because NO ONE ELSE seems to have watched the news today, so I can't confirm/deny this sighting, but DAMN that's exciting. But don't quote me on this, I might be as wrong as rain. Wait.

I Get Distracted Easily,
Improv is Terrifying and Exciting at The Same Time

~Austin Dennis~

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