Monday, July 12, 2010

Day Numero Uno

In discussing STC, I've decided to deal with the unpleasant items first. To begin with, my mom was so not excited enough when I got home. I really expected her to miss me more, and was disappointed to discover that she had other things to do than find all of my stories fascinating. I'll get back at her someday in my memoir. (A Mommie Dearest type move? Perhaps.) I also wasn't too happy with having to do the god-forsaken human knot, toward which I have an on-going aversion. It appears in my nightmares.
That takes care of that. Now on to pleasant items. I had a loverly time seeing all my old buddies, and was happy to find that no new acquaintances were mean or scary or would bite me. I'm also in love with my character. I mean- I'd sure marry him. What a lady-pleaser. Blake cracked me up and got me very eager to try my hand at him tomorrow. I'm also now craving a matador's outfit. I'm sure it would come in handy some day.
And so I look forward to tomorrow and prospects of re-popping my corn and re-entering the world of Russian lovers and screwy Latin.
Send my love to the kids,

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