For the past two days I have woken up early and then turned of my alarms and slept crazy late (as in a 30 seconds to 5 minutes before I have to go.) Today I woke up early and actually got up. This means I could eat breakfast and have ample time to get ready plus some. With this extra time I have been looking over my script, listening to music (so far Zooey Deschanel and the Shins), and blogging. I am excited for today and I'm ready to do some work and learn some new freaky fresh* skills. Flubberwibbett**!
* Freaky fresh- Once I had decided to use this phrase I thought to look it up in urban dictionary to see if I remembered correctly that it actually does exist. This the definition: "A term that adults and old people use to try and keep 'hip'" How interesting.
**Flubberwibbet- (According to urban dictionary) "An exclamation that can signify any emotion." In this case it signifies readiness for the day.
PS. Is "new freaky fresh..." redundant?
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