Monday, July 12, 2010

a lot of new friends yet to be made...

well i had no clue what to expect when i arrived, being a newbie to STC. i had just finished a 3 week camp with the shows this weekend, so i was a bit sleepy. but that's besides the point. so. i loved all the different activities we did in the morning, from the puppeteer one to the filling the space one. and i have no clue what it was called, (the one where we were in the circle and then it was broken up and we had to reassemble it by touch) but it was one that i had definitely never done before, and i felt like was a great icebreaker along with all the other ones. that being said, everyone was nice and welcoming, and i can't wait to meet more people! there are so many, and it seems like i only got to talk to a few! i loved what we were saying about ensemble, and being an ensemble. oh and i can't wait to explore my character. .... sir nathaniel, (or if i stay a girl, i don't know what the name, haha) here i [be]come! :)
-Jessica Siefkes

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