Monday, July 12, 2010

New Year, New Show, New People.

Hello everyone! Jenni speaking. (:

Well, where to begin? Last year was so fun, and I really miss it sometimes, but I think this year will be fun as well, maybe even more so. It was great to see people from school as well as fellow Richard III castmates again.

I haven't really stretched or done anything at all this summer, so the warm up was like a breath of fresh air. I'm an American teenager who wasn't blessed with athletic ability, alright?! The guy who created sports should rot in hell. :p

Today I believe I had an epiphany. I don't know if I had really thought about it before, but for some reason I felt like something finally clicked. I can't describe what it was, but it concerns communication and the ensemble.

I'm really, REALLY excited for this play. My character seems like fun to play, and I feel like I'll really get to step out of my boundraries on this one. (: Perhaps new favorite Shakespeare play? Maybe.



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